L2 Fees

Ethereum Layer-1 is expensive.
How much does it cost to use Layer-2?

How can rollups reduce their fees?
Read our first blog-post “Crunching the Calldata”.
  • All L2s
  • Full Rollups
Send ETH
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Metis Network
Data availability not provided by Ethereum. Visit L2Beat.com for details.
< $0.01
Arbitrum One
Arbitrum One is throttled while in beta. Fees will decrease as this throttle is lifted.
Boba Network
Boba is throttled while in beta. Fees will decrease as this throttle is lifted.
Optimism is throttled while in beta. Fees will decrease as this throttle is lifted.
Aztec Network
Polygon Hermez
Want to better understand Ethereum's layer-2 ecosystem?
Visit our friends at L2Beat.com to learn more about scaling solutions and their risk assumptions.